Weed Walk is the third in a series I have done involving constructed branch armatures and leaf forms. Each piece has informed what followed. The second piece was a study of the leaves within my yard. While collecting for that piece the leaves I found most interesting were the weeds. The shapes and textural variety were far more interesting and varied than most of the other leaves I had found. It made me wonder what else I had been overlooking by disregarding the wonderful world of weeds.
Although I had an embarrassing number of dandelions and a forest of oxalis within my yard I thought it might be interesting to see what I could find by going on a short walk around my tame suburban neighborhood.
As it was mid-summer the weeds were in their glory - growing in abundance like, well, weeds.
Like a vendor displaying their wares the armature thrusts it’s display of weeds outward for you to see and imploring you to have a closer look. I kept the leaf forms white to enhance visual clarity highlighting the variety of shapes. Because I confined my collecting to a specific small area I made note of that in the string of beads I used to suggest the walk itself including color impressions, street crossings, stop signs, and signals.